Gender Equality Act 2020 –

Women’s Health Goulburn North East is a member of the Action for Gender Equality Partnership, a panel of providers selected to support public sector organisations to implement the Gender Equality Act 2020, which came into effect in March 2021.

What is the Gender Equality Act?

The Gender Equality Act aims to improve workplace gender equality across the Victorian public sector, universities and local government bodies. 

Workplace gender equality is achieved when, regardless of gender, people can access and enjoy the same rewards, resources and opportunities.

The Gender Equality Act (“GE Act”) requires defined entities to address key drivers of gender inequality in the workplace, requiring that entities plan, measure and track progress towards workplace gender equality. They will do this by ensuring workplace transparency and accountability on a range of gender equality indicators.

What does it mean for my workplace?

The Act requires that all defined entities submit a Gender Equality Action Plan every four years.

Every workplace is at a different stage in its gender equality journey – some are building the foundations for gender equality, others are more advanced in their gender equality practice. Wherever you are on your journey, you need to design a Gender Equality Action Plan (“GEAP”), which will help you plan, implement and measure your workplace’s change.

A GEAP needs to include:

  • the results of a workplace gender audit, to assess the current state of gender equality in the workplace; and
  • strategies and measures to improve gender equality in the workplace, based on the results of the audit.

Workplaces must prepare, submit and publish a GEAP every four years. We are here to support you to do this.

Supporting transformational change

WHGNE is a member of the Action for Gender Equality Partnership, approved by the Victorian Government to provide advice and support to workplaces required to implement the GE Act.

The Action for Gender Equality Partnership is part of the expert Panel of Providers for the Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector.

As a trusted supplier the Partnership can be engaged to provide advice and training under the following service categories related directly to the Gender Equality Act 2020:

  • Gender Impact Assessments – We help organisations understand the gender impacts of policies, programs and services. 
  • Gender Equality Action Plans and Strategies – We help organisations develop and implement plans to improve gender equality.  

Our role as gender equality leaders with specialised knowledge of the Goulburn Valley and North East Victorian communities means we are well-placed to support regional workplaces in driving change towards gender equality.

Gender equality information tailored to our region

Take a look at the state of gender equity in your local government area by viewing our Gendered Data and Planning Resource and tailored LGA Snapshots for:

Alpine Shire Indigo Shire Murrindindi ShireBenalla Rural City Mansfield Shire Rural City of WangarattaCity of Wodonga Mitchell Shire Strathbogie ShireGreater Shepparton Moira Shire Towong Shire

Get involved in our regional Gender Equity Community of Practice, to network, share resources with and collaborate with other organisations in the Goulburn Valley and north-east Victoria who have an interest in gender equity and/or primary prevention. To get involved or find out more, please contact us.
