Blog –


World elder abuse awareness day

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Women's safety in a global context

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Long Story Short Videos – Regional access to sexual and reproductive health care

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Gender inequality is bad for our health

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Economic empowerment, gender equity and the importance of collective of advocacy

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Australia's first National Health and Climate Strategy

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Preventing tech based abuse of women and girls

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Ensuring Housing for All: The Vital Role of Community Voices in Victoria's Housing Policies

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Shared Learning and Collective Understanding - Gender Equity in Goulburn North East

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The Women's Health Services Network (WHSN)

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Nurturing Health and Nature: Our Submission to the National Health and Climate Strategy

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Can we imagine a community without homelessness and housing insecurity?

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Statement of support for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament

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Human rights and disability: Building a supportive society

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Pride Month blog: The prevention of discrimination and bigotry must be a collective effort

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Nurturing a Culture of Care: Striving for a Future Without Elder Abuse

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Striving for Gender Justice: A Vision for an Equitable Australia and Solutions for Change

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A Call for Systemic and Cultural Change: WHGNE's Submission to the CSIRO's Transforming Australian Food Systems Discussion Paper

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International Women's Day 2023

Lifting girls and women out of poverty and financial hardship, increasing opportunities to contribute and connect, and fostering equitable access to technology and safer online spaces has become integral to the achievement of gender equality.

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Realising housing equity: the Future Fund and beyond

Urgent measures are needed to transform housing from “profit-creating asset” to universally accessible human right and basic service.

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Statistics are only part of the picture when it comes to raising awareness

How can we know so much about gender-based violence – its prevalence, its causes, strategies for prevention, early intervention and response – yet continue to live with the devastating loss of one woman a week because of intimate partner violence, while many more suffer pain, distress, fear and loss of autonomy in their daily lives?

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Hearing Benambra Community Consultation

Our organisation aims to represent the needs and elevate the voices of women and gender diverse people living and working in northeast Victoria and the Goulburn Valley – the region we serve. With that in mind, we recently undertook the Hearing Benambra Community Consultation Project, to find out what matters to people in northeast Victoria.

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My Powershift Experience

Hey there! I’m Charlie, and I co-run the Climate Letter Project with my cousin Eadie. This week, Eadie and I were fortunate enough to be funded by Women’s Health Goulburn North East, and sent to the radical online Power Shift Youth Climate Summit by the Australian Youth Climate Coalition.

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Gender Equity Community of Practice

The WHGNE Gender Equity CoP aims to build practitioner understanding of gender inequality as the root cause of gender-based violence through regular, two-hour capacity building sessions. Sessions allow time for a guest presentation and subsequent reflection on the issues raised. 

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Stay or Leave? 16 Days of Activism Animation

For 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence in 2021, WHGNE formed a creative collaboration with author Cate Kennedy and animator Annie Murray to develop an animation which captured the heart-wrenching experience of women from rural communities in the aftermath of disaster. 

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Bushfire Affected Communities

Communities affected by bushfire and its aftermath have unique and specific needs when it comes to the prevention of violence against women and gender responsive recovery. WHGNE provided support and guidance around gender equity and bystander action to regional councils responsible for bushfire affected communities.

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Gender and Disaster

The GAD POD was formally established by WHGNE and Women's Health in the North in partnership with Monash University Disaster Resilience Initiative in 2015

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The WHGNE Gender Equity Pathway

The Gender Equity Pathway is a whole-of-organisation partnership approach to regional systemic change

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WHGNE and Australia reMADE

The work investigated the idea of the Public Good – what does this mean for Australia, how do we imagine a future that puts Public Good at the center of it, and what can we do to shape that future? After significant work, Australia remade: Reclaiming our purpose has been published. 

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16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence 2022

25 July 2022

WHGNE is pleased to mark 16 Days of Activism, starting on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and running until International Human Rights Day on 10 December 2022.

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Be brave, make change: Embedding cultural learning in everyday practice

30 May 2022

By embedding shared learning and story-telling in its everyday practice, WHGNE hopes to develop a stronger understanding of the rich culture of First Nations peoples that drives our everyday actions for solidarity.  

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Creating a values-based workplace

WHGNE’s work is focused on cultural change that leads us towards gender equality. We believe this good work starts with us, so we have developed a set of values that guide how we work together as a team, and how we work with others in our community.

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16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence 2021

25 August 2021

Against the backdrop of the global pandemic and the bushfires of 2020, WHGNE's 16 Days of Activism will focus on supporting communities to keep women and children safe before, during and after natural disaster.

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Invest in social housing and give women and children somewhere to go

July 28, 2021

Domestic and family violence makes a woman’s home the least safe place she can be. But house price and rental inflation is making finding somewhere new to live so difficult, that many women fleeing violence return to perpetrators and the risk of violence. Or into homelessness. We're joining the call on the federal government to invest in changing that.

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A fairer, healthier world for all

April 7, 2021

Realising the "fairer, healthier world for everyone, everywhere" that we are calling for this World Health Day relies on recognition at every level of government and community that such a world can only be achieved by eliminating inequities of every kind.

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We marched, now what?

March 16, 2021

Since walking the streets of Wangaratta with our friends and allies of gender equality and safety for women yesterday, we've been asked so many times, "What happens now?" 

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Stand in solidarity with First Nations people this January 26

January 22, 2021

We choose to mark January 26, 2021 in reflection, mourning and solidarity with First Nations communities. 

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GE4NY 2021 - Implement a gender equity policy

January 20, 2021

One big way you can create meaningful change when it comes to gender equality is to encourage your community group, sporting club or workplace to implement its own gender equity policy.

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GE4NY 2021 - Support businesses that champion diversity

January 19, 2021

When you need to make buying decisions, use it as an opportunity to "vote with your wallet" for businesses that show women and men as equal and diverse in their advertising, that depict people of all life stages, backgrounds, body shapes, ethnicities and roles and that portray images of an inclusive, gender equal community.

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GE4NY 2021 - Diversify your local arts scene

January 14, 2021

A diverse arts scene can go a long way to building understanding, respect and equality in our communities.

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GE4NY 2021 - Include gender non-conforming toys in play with your child

January 13, 2021

The gendered labelling, marketing and display of toys, and the unconscious bias that lies behind our own buying choices, shape children's identities, perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes and can cause children to internalise the attitudes and values that shape gender inequality in later life.

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GE4NY 2021 - Call out sexist behaviour

January 11, 2021

Did you know that gender inequality is propped up by the sexist banter we engage in with each other, the things we say to our kids, the jokes we tell (and laugh at) at work or at the pub, the subtle implications that women and their voices, experience and expertise are worth less than that of men?

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GE4NY 2021 - Share the care

January 10, 2021

Traditional gender roles and stereotypes that place women "in the kitchen" have a lot to answer for, when it comes to the burden of unpaid work that falls on women. And this, in turn, means that women face a disproportionate amount of time out of paid work.

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GE4NY 2021 - Make space for women's voices

January 9, 2021

Every one of us occupies positions in the community where we might make a difference to whether women and gender-diverse people are truly heard or not.

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GE4NY 2021 - Include your pronouns in your email signatures

January 8, 2021

By introducing yourself and your own pronouns, you're taking one small but important step towards creating a community where people feel safe and comfortable being their authentic selves.

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GE4NY 2021 - Use gender-inclusive language

January 7, 2021

We challenge you, in 2021, to ditch the gendered language that is typically thrown around with friends and colleagues - you know, things like, "Hi guys!", or "Ladies and gents..." - and dream up something more inclusive for those collective addresses!

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GE4NY 2021 - Diversify your bookshelf

January 6, 2021

A diverse reading list is a great way of understanding different perspectives on the world, challenging unconscious bias, and stretching that all-important brain muscle.

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16 Days of Activism - Get comfortable being uncomfortable

December 8, 2020

Stay present with discomfort to bring gender equality and social justice into your world.

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16 Days of Activism - Enable and support women's health and rights at work

December 6, 2020

More than ever, workplaces across all sectors need to ensure that they address existing gender inequities and create safe, inclusive settings where women’s rights and health, including their sexual and reproductive health, are enabled and supported.  

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16 Days of Activism - Create a culture that embraces difference

December 4, 2020

This 16 Days of Activism, learn about how to look at the intersections of social identity, privilege and oppression, and see how they “sometimes compound themselves, and...create obstacles that are not understood within conventional ways of thinking” (Crenshaw). 

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16 Days of Activism - Call out gender-based violence at home and work

December 2, 2020

Employees, employers and the community at large have an obligation to make inclusive, safe, and respectful workplaces and environments the norm, not the exception.  

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16 Days of Activism - Empower women as leaders

November 30, 2020

When we empower women as leaders and decision-makers, the community and economy benefit.

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16 Days of Activism - Create work security for women

November 28, 2020

Let’s use this 16 Days of Activism to amplify the discussion about women's economic and work insecurity, and pave the way for future women in our workforce.

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16 Days of Activism - Share and value care

November 26, 2020

This year, in recognition of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence, we call on you to share and value care in your homes, families and communities. In your workplaces, we ask that you make it possible for others to share the care.

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State budget must not replicate federal failures

October 19, 2020

The Victorian Government has an opportunity and an obligation to respond, via its upcoming budget, to the gendered impacts of COVID-19, and this is why.

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Federal budget fails women

October 7, 2020

Only a federal budget, considered and applied with a gendered lens, could have ensured that the economic and social fallout of COVID-19 resulted in a better, more equitable economy that supported and empowered women and responded to their diverse needs. 

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16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence 2020

September 30, 2020

For this year’s 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence, Women's Health Goulburn North East (WHGNE) is advocating for communities to move beyond awareness raising, and towards tangible action, weaving women’s rights and gender equality into our everyday behaviour, practice and the economic, cultural and social fabric of our communities. 

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Straightforward guides to sexual and reproductive health

September 23, 2020

We've launched a new set of information resources in plain English about menstruation, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, contraception, abortion and menopause, for both community members and professionals working in health, education and community settings.

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The Great Game: Women and community sport

June 16, 2020

Participate in our new podcast series about women in community sport in Wangaratta.

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What is gender equality?

June 2, 2020

Gender equality or gender equity? What is the difference? And what does it mean for you?

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Story-gathering during COVID-19

May 19, 2020

Contribute your story about life during the COVID-19 pandemic to Women's Health Goulburn North East "Reflections from a Distance" story-gathering project.

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