Women’s Health Goulburn North East is celebrating 30 years of fostering gender equity, social justice and women’s health and wellbeing in our region.

On the evening of Monday 25 September the WHGNE 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will feature the highlights of our year in review, along with music, refreshments and a panel of guest speakers who will explore the importance of regional partnerships in fostering gender equity.

Then, on Tuesday 26 September, we will be holding a Showcase of our work, celebrating 30 years been and 30 to be seen! Delve into some of WHGNE’s current projects and take a retrospective look at how we’ve collaborated with our community to contribute to gender equity in our region.

You’ll be treated to morning and afternoon tea, as well as lunch and refreshments. Hear speakers on a range of topics, from care through disaster to the importance of embedding lived experience data within advocacy around sexual and reproductive health. Come join us and engage on issues that matter to women and gender diverse people in our region.

2023 Annual General Meeting of WHGNE

Can’t make it to the WHGNE AGM in person? Register here to join via Zoom

*An Auslan interpreter will attend the online component of the AGM


Monday 25 September 2023, from 6:00pm to approximately 8:00pm

The Glasshouse Room, Lakeside Community Centre, Benalla

Register here

30 Years Been, 30 to be Seen WHGNE Showcase

Showcase Agenda


Tuesday 26 September 2023, from 10:00am to 4:00pm

The Glasshouse Room, Lakeside Community Centre, Benalla

Register here

Who will be presenting at the 2023 WHGNE AGM and 30 year showcase?
